· Antonio Correia - Phantoms Foundation (Spain) - Chairman
· Ignacio Dancausa - Grupo Atenea (Spain)
· Alfonso Lopez - Grupo Atenea (Spain)
· Jose Manuel Perlado - Institute of Nuclear Fusion - UPM (Spain)

· Excmo. y Mgfco. Sr. D. Carlos Conde Lázaro, Rector Universidad Politecnica Madrid (Spain)
· Ilmo Sr. D. José Luis Cortina Presidente de Grupo Atenea (Spain)
· Excmo. Sr. D. Alfonso de la Rosa - Teniente General Director del Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN) (Spain)
· Excmo Sr. D. Ignacio Cosidó Gutiérrez Director General de la Policía (Spain)
· Excmo. Sr. D. Guillermo Velarde Pinacho, General de División EA y Presidente del Instituto Fusión Nuclear (Spain)

The PHANTOMS FOUNDATION based in Madrid, Spain, focuses its activities on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N) and is now a key actor in structuring and fostering European Excellence and enhancing collaborations in these fields. The Phantoms Foundation, a non-profit organisation, gives high level management profile to National and European scientific projects (among others, the COST Bio-Inspired nanotechnologies, ICT-FET Integrated Project AtMol and ICT/FET EUPHONON Coordination Action) and provides an innovative platform for dissemination, transfer and transformation of basic nanoscience knowledge, strengthening interdisciplinary research in nanoscience and nanotechnology and catalysing collaboration among international research groups.
The Foundation also works in close collaboration with Spanish and European Governmental Institutions to provide focused reports on N&N related research areas (infrastructure needs, emerging research, etc.).
The ATENEA Group is a think tank for thought, participation and debate. Our strategies and activities aim to promote awareness of security and defence in the Hispanic world and to support the strategic decisions companies and institutions need to make. The work of the Group includes Publishing, Forums and Events, Training and Consulting.
Our project’s mission is to create the ATENEA Foundation and debate Club. Our activities contribute to the assets the future Foundation needs for its projected social involvement. At the soon-to-be created ATENEA debate Club, public and private figures and organisations will converge in a creative forum of dialogue generating ideas and proposals of interest in the areas of security and defence.
The National Police Academy (Escuela Nacional de Policía) develops and delivers training courses and programs to access Basic and Executive Scales at the National Police Corps, as well as training activities for students from other police forces established in the field of police cooperation, both nationally and internationally.
The Academy carries out the program and implementation of courses related to internal promotion of officials of the National Police.
The headquarters of the National Police Academy lies in the city of Ávila (Spain).
The Institute of Nuclear Fusion (IFN) of the Polytechnical University of Madrid (UPM) is essentially devoted to Nuclear Research (basic and applied) related to both Nuclear Fusion and Fission are key goals in our program. Most of contributions have been (and will be) developed in Nuclear Fusion as future promising Energy Source, and in particular Inertial Confinement Fusion Energy, where the Institute is unique in Spain in size, personnel and projects (in fact no other than the Institute has a programme in this area of Energy by Laser Fusion). Science and Technology for Inertial and Magnetic development of future Engineering Facilities and Reactors have so many common areas that a general principle of the Institute from the starting of its life has been the very close collaboration with Centres in both initiatives.